Welcome to StudentDeck

We Help Students Like You Graduate With On Demand Market Skills

Do you have a problem mastering Programming? Do you have a Project and don't know how to go about it? Do you need Internship/Attachment? Worry not! We are here to help!

Our Courses Student Packages

Enhance Your Programming Skills

Do You Need Help With Your Project/Assignment?

We help students to come up with great Projects and Proposals; to help them graduate with ease. We guide you on how the project should be done and how to write a perfect proposal to back it up. Bring to us your Programming Assignments: Let us help you code them out as we explain them out to you in an understandale way

Are you looking for Internship? Join us! We let you work on a live project that will help you learn important skills.

Do you want to Improve your Programming Skills! Worry Not. We will teach you and help you master best on demand technologies that will ensure you get a job straight out of college!

Get in touch with us

Be a Pro in the Industry

Student Pricing Packages


Ksh 0/=

  1. Consultancy
  2. Coding Tools
  3. Coding Ebooks
  4. Coding Secrets/Tips
  • 4 Months
  • Ksh 0
Order Now


Ksh 3000/=

  1. Consultancy
  2. Assignment Tutor
  3. Project Ideas
  4. Email/Phone Support
  • 4 Months
  • Ksh 3000/=
Order Now


Ksh 6000/=

  1. Consultancy
  2. Assignment Tutor
  3. Proposal Writing
  4. Project Development
  • 4 Months
  • Ksh 6000/=
Order Now


Ksh 15000/=

  1. Consultancy
  2. Proposal Writing
  3. Project Development
  4. Internship
  • 4 Months
  • Ksh 15000/=
Order Now
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Explore Your Capabilities

With StudentDeck, you can explore a range of topics, tools, and techniques. Take your skills to the next level with online classes in Programming. You'll get hands-on experience by completing and sharing your own projects.

Get in touch with us

We Are StudentDeck An Online Learning Center

We will help you graduate: handle your Assignments, Projects and provide Internship, helping you build your career as a Software Developer

Join Us

Ther is no jobless programmer!

Coding is the language of the present and future.

With technology taking over the world, coding has become almost a necessary skill. However, coding is sometimes seen as a tedious and monotonous process.

In order to demystify the true nature of coding, we present to you some fascinating course and guidance to help you build your career.

Top Quality Content

Our Trainings are quality and based on on-demand market skills.

Highly Skilled Instructor

Our Instructors are top-notch in the industry and are serial coders

Projects & Quiz

The projects you will buid, will help you further your career.

Get Certified

Yes! Get a certificate to show you made it!